Index of all elements
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- $acl
- in file uiElement.php, variable UiElement::$acl
- in file acl.php, class ACL
Class Description: Class representing an Access Control List (ACL)
- in file UpdateLocalDataRule.php, constant ACTIVE_RETREATS
- addLocalKeysToLoadFile
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::addLocalKeysToLoadFile()
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, constant ALLDATA
- ApplicationSetupFive
- in file applicationSetupFive.php, class ApplicationSetupFive
Class Description: Controller for initial system setup
- ApplicationSetupFour
- in file applicationSetupFour.php, class ApplicationSetupFour
Class Description: Controller for initial system setup
- ApplicationSetupOne
- in file applicationSetupOne.php, class ApplicationSetupOne
Class Description: Controller for the system's initial setup screen
- ApplicationSetupSix
- in file applicationSetupSix.php, class ApplicationSetupSix
Class Description: Controller for initial system setup
- ApplicationSetupThree
- in file applicationSetupThree.php, class ApplicationSetupThree
Class Description: Controller for initial system setup
- ApplicationSetupTwo
- in file applicationSetupTwo.php, class ApplicationSetupTwo
Class Description: Controller for initial system setup
- applyAccessRestrictionsToMenuArray
- in file controller.php, method Controller::applyAccessRestrictionsToMenuArray()
- applyRule
- in file UpdateLocalDataRule.php, method UpdateLocalDataRule::applyRule()
- applyRule
- in file RuleObject.php, method RuleObject::applyRule()
- acl.php
- procedural page acl.php
- applicationSetupFive.php
- procedural page applicationSetupFive.php
- applicationSetupFour.php
- procedural page applicationSetupFour.php
- applicationSetupOne.php
- procedural page applicationSetupOne.php
- applicationSetupSix.php
- procedural page applicationSetupSix.php
- applicationSetupThree.php
- procedural page applicationSetupThree.php
- applicationSetupTwo.php
- procedural page applicationSetupTwo.php
- Booking
- in file booking.php, class Booking
Class Description: Controller for retreat bookings
- BookingAccommodation
- in file bookingAccommodation.php, class BookingAccommodation
Class Description: controller class for retreat accomodation bookings
- BookingJobs
- in file bookingJobs.php, class BookingJobs
Class Description: controller class for retreat booking job management
- BookingMainScreen
- in file bookingMainScreen.php, class BookingMainScreen
Class Description: controller class for retreat bookings tabbed screen.
- BookingMeals
- in file bookingMeals.php, class BookingMeals
Class Description: controller class for retreat meal bookings
- BookingOverview
- in file bookingOverview.php, class BookingOverview
Class Description: controller class for retreat bookings overview
- BookingPayment
- in file bookingPayment.php, class BookingPayment
Class Description: controller class for retreat booking payments
- BookingPosting
- in file bookingPosting.php, class BookingPosting
Class Description: controller class for posting of payments of retreat bookings
- BookingTransport
- in file bookingTransport.php, class BookingTransport
Class Description: controller class for retreat transport bookings
- booking.php
- procedural page booking.php
- bookingAccommodation.php
- procedural page bookingAccommodation.php
- bookingJobs.php
- procedural page bookingJobs.php
- bookingMainScreen.php
- procedural page bookingMainScreen.php
- bookingMeals.php
- procedural page bookingMeals.php
- bookingOverview.php
- procedural page bookingOverview.php
- bookingPayment.php
- procedural page bookingPayment.php
- bookingPosting.php
- procedural page bookingPosting.php
- bookingTransport.php
- procedural page bookingTransport.php
- $children
- in file uiElement.php, variable UiElement::$children
- $className
- in file controller.php, variable Controller::$className
- $columns
- in file searchResult.php, variable SearchResult::$columns
- $countryCode
- in file localeSettings.php, variable localeSettings::$countryCode
- $countryIsoCode
- in file localeSettings.php, variable localeSettings::$countryIsoCode
- $countryPrintLabel
- in file localeSettings.php, variable localeSettings::$countryPrintLabel
- $currencySign
- in file localeSettings.php, variable localeSettings::$currencySign
- $currentPage
- in file searchResult.php, variable SearchResult::$currentPage
- $cursor
- in file searchResult.php, variable SearchResult::$cursor
- checkAndProcessStagedNewRecords
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::checkAndProcessStagedNewRecords()
- connected
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, method PhpUrlConnection::connected()
- Controller
- in file controller.php, class Controller
Class Description: The Parent Class for all Controller Classes in the System. It contains methods for shaping data that is provided to the controller by a Model object into a format required by the Smarty Template. It also offers functionality for importing information contained in system configuration files. See controllersPackage.php for a description of the rvtwo controllers class hierarchy.
- convertConfigFileToArray
- in file rvtwoObject.php, method RvTwoObject::convertConfigFileToArray()
Converts the contents of a configuration file stored in the filesystem location specified by the PATH_CONF constant into an associative array. The lefthand value of each line in the config file in this array is the key and the right hand item is the value of the array.
- convertForeignKeyValuesToLocalKeyValues
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::convertForeignKeyValuesToLocalKeyValues()
A utility function to retrieve a set of local_key values based on a set of foreign key values that might be referred to by records in this table
- convertForeignKeyValuesToRemoteKeyValues
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::convertForeignKeyValuesToRemoteKeyValues()
A utility function to retrieve a set of remote_key values based on a set of foreign key values that might be referred to by records in this table
- convertLocalKeyValuesToRemoteKeyValues
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::convertLocalKeyValuesToRemoteKeyValues()
- convertMenuConfigFileToArray
- in file controller.php, method Controller::convertMenuConfigFileToArray()
Converts the contents of a screen menu configuration file stored in the filesystem location specified by the PATH_CONF constant into an associative array.
- convertRemoteKeyValuesToLocalKeyValues
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::convertRemoteKeyValuesToLocalKeyValues()
- convertRowsArrayToColumnsArray
- in file controller.php, method Controller::convertRowsArrayToColumnsArray()
converts a rows_array as returned by the ORM and DB classes into an associative array.
- in file UpdateLocalDataRule.php, constant COUNTRY
- controller.php
- procedural page controller.php
- getAccessTypeForUser
- in file acl.php, method ACL::getAccessTypeForUser()
- getAccessTypeForUser
- in file uiElement.php, method UiElement::getAccessTypeForUser()
- getActiveRetreats
- in file model_students.php, method Model_Students::getActiveRetreats()
- getColumnNumber
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::getColumnNumber()
- getColumns
- in file searchResult.php, method SearchResult::getColumns()
- getCountries
- in file model_students.php, method Model_Students::getCountries()
- getCountryCode
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::getCountryCode()
- getCountryIsoCode
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::getCountryIsoCode()
- getCountryLabel
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::getCountryLabel()
- getCurrencySign
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::getCurrencySign()
- getCurrentPageNumber
- in file searchResult.php, method SearchResult::getCurrentPageNumber()
- getCurrentPageNumberForDisplay
- in file searchResult.php, method SearchResult::getCurrentPageNumberForDisplay()
- getData
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, method PhpUrlConnection::getData()
- getDecimalSeparator
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::getDecimalSeparator()
- getForeignKeyFieldName
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::getForeignKeyFieldName()
returns the name of the column the values of which have a foreign key relation with $referredTable
- getIntlcurrencySign
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::getIntlcurrencySign()
- getKeySetForUpdate
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::getKeySetForUpdate()
- getLocalRemoteKeyPairs
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::getLocalRemoteKeyPairs()
- getNextPage
- in file searchResult.php, method SearchResult::getNextPage()
- getNumberOfPages
- in file searchResult.php, method SearchResult::getNumberOfPages()
- getNumberOfResults
- in file searchResult.php, method SearchResult::getNumberOfResults()
- getObject
- in file externalDataServerConnection.php, method ExternalDataServerConnection::getObject()
- getObjects
- in file externalDataServerConnection.php, method ExternalDataServerConnection::getObjects()
- getPage
- in file searchResult.php, method SearchResult::getPage()
- getPage
- in file studentSearch.php, method StudentSearch::getPage()
- getPreviousPage
- in file searchResult.php, method SearchResult::getPreviousPage()
- getReferencedObjects
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::getReferencedObjects()
- getReferences
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::getReferences()
- getReferringFieldForTable
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::getReferringFieldForTable()
- getReferringObjects
- in file externalDataServerConnection.php, method ExternalDataServerConnection::getReferringObjects()
- getRemoteKey
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::getRemoteKey()
- getRemoteKeySet
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::getRemoteKeySet()
- getResultByID
- in file searchResult.php, method SearchResult::getResultByID()
- getRoles
- in file model_students.php, method Model_Students::getRoles()
- getSelectValues
- in file searchResult.php, method SearchResult::getSelectValues()
- getStudents
- in file model_students.php, method Model_Students::getStudents()
- getTableName
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::getTableName()
- getThousandsSeparator
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::getThousandsSeparator()
- getUiAccess
- in file user.php, method User::getUiAccess()
- getUIElements
- in file model_students.php, method Model_Students::getUIElements()
- getUrlConnection
- in file externalDataServerConnection.php, method ExternalDataServerConnection::getUrlConnection()
- getUserRoles
- in file model_students.php, method Model_Students::getUserRoles()
- $id
- in file user.php, variable User::$id
- $intlCurrencySign
- in file localeSettings.php, variable localeSettings::$intlCurrencySign
- $isCollectionOnly
- in file uiElement.php, variable UiElement::$isCollectionOnly
- index
- in file bookingTransport.php, method BookingTransport::index()
- index
- in file bookingPosting.php, method BookingPosting::index()
- index
- in file applicationSetupFive.php, method ApplicationSetupFive::index()
- index
- in file retreatConfig.php, method RetreatConfig::index()
- index
- in file sysAdmin.php, method SysAdmin::index()
- index
- in file studentSearch.php, method StudentSearch::index()
- index
- in file bookingOverview.php, method BookingOverview::index()
- index
- in file logon.php, method Logon::index()
- index
- in file bookingPayment.php, method BookingPayment::index()
- index
- in file applicationSetupThree.php, method ApplicationSetupThree::index()
- index
- in file applicationSetupTwo.php, method ApplicationSetupTwo::index()
- index
- in file applicationSetupSix.php, method ApplicationSetupSix::index()
- index
- in file applicationSetupOne.php, method ApplicationSetupOne::index()
- index
- in file applicationSetupFour.php, method ApplicationSetupFour::index()
- index
- in file booking.php, method Booking::index()
- index
- in file bookingAccommodation.php, method BookingAccommodation::index()
- index
- in file bookingMeals.php, method BookingMeals::index()
- index
- in file bookingMainScreen.php, method BookingMainScreen::index()
- index
- in file bookingJobs.php, method BookingJobs::index()
- InsertLocalRecords
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::InsertLocalRecords()
- isLocalKeyReference
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::isLocalKeyReference()
- isSelectOnly
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::isSelectOnly()
- $package
- in file controller.php, variable Controller::$package
- $parent
- in file uiElement.php, variable UiElement::$parent
- $partOfDefaultRefreshEvent
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, variable ExternallyLinkedORM::$partOfDefaultRefreshEvent
- $pass
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, variable PhpUrlConnection::$pass
- $path
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, variable PhpUrlConnection::$path
- $port
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, variable PhpUrlConnection::$port
- $primaryKey
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, variable ExternallyLinkedORM::$primaryKey
- $primaryKeyIsString
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, variable ExternallyLinkedORM::$primaryKeyIsString
- PhpUrlConnection
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, class PhpUrlConnection
Class Description: Class representing a URL connection for posting and getting data to and from the DDMS server URL.
- postData
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, method PhpUrlConnection::postData()
- previousPagesLeft
- in file searchResult.php, method SearchResult::previousPagesLeft()
- package.php
- procedural page package.php
- PhpUrlConnection.php
- procedural page PhpUrlConnection.php
- $references
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, variable ExternallyLinkedORM::$references
- $remoteKey
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, variable ExternallyLinkedORM::$remoteKey
- $remoteKeyIsString
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, variable ExternallyLinkedORM::$remoteKeyIsString
- $remoteMap
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, variable ExternallyLinkedORM::$remoteMap
- $resultsPerPage
- in file searchResult.php, variable SearchResult::$resultsPerPage
- $roles
- in file user.php, variable User::$roles
- reduce
- in file UpdateLocalDataRule.php, method UpdateLocalDataRule::reduce()
- reduce
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::reduce()
utility function to reduce an array of arrays to a 'simple' array
- referenceIsCascadingDelete
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::referenceIsCascadingDelete()
- referenceIsCascadingInsert
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::referenceIsCascadingInsert()
- refreshAllData
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::refreshAllData()
Does a blanket replacement of all local data with data from the DoR
- refreshDataFragment
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::refreshDataFragment()
- refreshLocalData
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::refreshLocalData()
- refreshLocalData
- in file externalDataServerConnection.php, method ExternalDataServerConnection::refreshLocalData()
- resetLinkedTables
- in file model_students.php, method Model_Students::resetLinkedTables()
- RetreatConfig
- in file retreatConfig.php, class RetreatConfig
Class Description: Controller for the system's retreat configuration screen
- RuleObject
- in file RuleObject.php, class RuleObject
Interface Description: Class Interface for the Business Rule clasees in the system
- RuleObject.php
- procedural page RuleObject.php
- rvtwoObject.php
- procedural page rvtwoObject.php
- retreatConfig.php
- procedural page retreatConfig.php
- RvTwoObject
- in file rvtwoObject.php, class RvTwoObject
Class Description: Parent Class for all other rvtwo system classes. To share data and functionality that is relevant throughout the entire application.
- $scheme
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, variable PhpUrlConnection::$scheme
- $searchResult
- in file studentSearch.php, variable StudentSearch::$searchResult
- $serverConnection
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, variable ExternallyLinkedORM::$serverConnection
- $sortListsBy
- in file localeSettings.php, variable localeSettings::$sortListsBy
- $subPackage
- in file controller.php, variable Controller::$subPackage
- searchResult.php
- procedural page searchResult.php
- studentSearch.php
- procedural page studentSearch.php
- sysAdmin.php
- procedural page sysAdmin.php
- sanghaTable
- in file UpdateLocalDataRule.php, method UpdateLocalDataRule::sanghaTable()
- SearchResult
- in file searchResult.php, class SearchResult
Class Description: Wrapper class for an array of data that can be stored in the session array and
- selectLogon
- in file model_students.php, method Model_Students::selectLogon()
- setConnectionEnvironment
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, method PhpUrlConnection::setConnectionEnvironment()
- setCountry
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::setCountry()
- setCurrencyNumberConfig
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::setCurrencyNumberConfig()
- setCurrencySign
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::setCurrencySign()
- setDecimalSeparator
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::setDecimalSeparator()
- setIntlCurrencySign
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::setIntlCurrencySign()
- setORM
- in file UpdateLocalDataRule.php, method UpdateLocalDataRule::setORM()
- setPackageInfo
- in file controller.php, method Controller::setPackageInfo()
- setThousandsSeparator
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::setThousandsSeparator()
- setUiAccess
- in file user.php, method User::setUiAccess()
retrieves the restricted ui elements from the database
- StudentSearch
- in file studentSearch.php, class StudentSearch
Class Description: controller class for student search screen.
- studentTable
- in file UpdateLocalDataRule.php, method UpdateLocalDataRule::studentTable()
- surroundValues
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::surroundValues()
- SysAdmin
- in file sysAdmin.php, class SysAdmin
Class Description: Controller for the System Administration screen
- $uiAccess
- in file user.php, variable User::$uiAccess
- $uiElement
- in file acl.php, variable ACL::$uiElement
- $uiElements
- in file controller.php, variable Controller::$uiElements
- $urlConnection
- in file externalDataServerConnection.php, variable ExternalDataServerConnection::$urlConnection
- $urlString
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, variable PhpUrlConnection::$urlString
- $user
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, variable PhpUrlConnection::$user
- $userAccess
- in file acl.php, variable ACL::$userAccess
- UpdateLocalDataRule.php
- procedural page UpdateLocalDataRule.php
- uiElement.php
- procedural page uiElement.php
- user.php
- procedural page user.php
- UiElement
- in file uiElement.php, class UiElement
Class Description: Class representing UI Element *
- UpdateLocalDataRule
- in file UpdateLocalDataRule.php, class UpdateLocalDataRule
- updateLocalRecords
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::updateLocalRecords()
Enter description here...
- urlErrorHandler
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, method PhpUrlConnection::urlErrorHandler()
- User
- in file user.php, class User
Class Description: Class representing a user of the system and the user's access rights to
- $View
- in file controller.php, variable Controller::$View
Array containing all data that is passed to the Smarty View
- $View
- in file logon.php, variable Logon::$View
- $viewTemplate
- in file controller.php, variable Controller::$viewTemplate
- verification
- in file logon.php, method Logon::verification()
- verification
- in file applicationSetupTwo.php, method ApplicationSetupTwo::verification()
- verification
- in file applicationSetupThree.php, method ApplicationSetupThree::verification()
- verification
- in file applicationSetupFour.php, method ApplicationSetupFour::verification()
- verification
- in file applicationSetupOne.php, method ApplicationSetupOne::verification()
- verification
- in file applicationSetupSix.php, method ApplicationSetupSix::verification()
- verification
- in file applicationSetupFive.php, method ApplicationSetupFive::verification()
- _attachPageNumbers
- in file studentSearch.php, method StudentSearch::_attachPageNumbers()
- _checkAcl
- in file logon.php, method Logon::_checkAcl()
- _createAndLoadFile
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::_createAndLoadFile()
- _getLoadFile
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::_getLoadFile()
- _getPage
- in file studentSearch.php, method StudentSearch::_getPage()
- _init
- in file mainScreen.php, method MainScreen::_init()
we can't implement a standard constructor as the constructor will be automatically
- _loadLocalUsers
- in file logon.php, method Logon::_loadLocalUsers()
- _localTablesEmpty
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::_localTablesEmpty()
- _orderDataObjects
- in file externalDataServerConnection.php, method ExternalDataServerConnection::_orderDataObjects()
sorts the localDataObjects array to reflect referential integrity.
- _populateLocalTables
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::_populateLocalTables()
- _replaceValuesInLoadFileString
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::_replaceValuesInLoadFileString()
- _setLocale
- in file applicationSetupOne.php, method ApplicationSetupOne::_setLocale()
- __construct
- in file tabScreen.php, method TabScreen::__construct()
- __construct
- in file UpdateLocalDataRule.php, method UpdateLocalDataRule::__construct()
- __construct
- in file ExternallyLinkedORM.php, method ExternallyLinkedORM::__construct()
- __construct
- in file user.php, method User::__construct()
- __construct
- in file model_students.php, method Model_Students::__construct()
- __construct
- in file localeSettings.php, method localeSettings::__construct()
- __construct
- in file PhpUrlConnection.php, method PhpUrlConnection::__construct()
- __construct
- in file searchResult.php, method SearchResult::__construct()
- __construct
- in file externalDataServerConnection.php, method ExternalDataServerConnection::__construct()