[ class tree: RvTwoClasses ] [ index: RvTwoClasses ] [ all elements ]

Class: RvTwoObject

Source Location: /rvtwo/classes/rvtwoObject.php

Class Overview

Class Description: Parent Class for all other rvtwo system classes. To share data and functionality that is relevant throughout the entire application.


  • Jan van der Breggen


Child classes:

Class Description: The Parent Class for all Controller Classes in the System. It contains methods for shaping data that is provided to the controller by a Model object into a format required by the Smarty Template. It also offers functionality for importing information contained in system configuration files. See controllersPackage.php for a description of the rvtwo controllers class hierarchy.

Class Details

[line 10]
Class Description: Parent Class for all other rvtwo system classes. To share data and functionality that is relevant throughout the entire application.


author:  Jan van der Breggen
since:  : 29/04/2009

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Class Methods

method convertConfigFileToArray [line 25]

associative convertConfigFileToArray( string $fileName, [optional $lineDelimiter = ';'], [optional $valueDelimiter = ','])

Converts the contents of a configuration file stored in the filesystem location specified by the PATH_CONF constant into an associative array. The lefthand value of each line in the config file in this array is the key and the right hand item is the value of the array.


return:  array representing the menu configuration file


string   $fileName  
optional   $lineDelimiter   string $lineDelimiter - character that delimits an entry in the config file
optional   $valueDelimiter   string $valueDelimiter - character that separates name and value of an entry in the config file

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Documentation generated on Mon, 18 May 2009 11:22:15 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1