[ class tree: DDMS ] [ index: DDMS ] [ all elements ]

Class: ExternalDataServerConnection

Source Location: /rvtwo/classes/DDMSClient/externalDataServerConnection.php

Class Overview


Class Description: The overarching class in the Distributed Data Management Client package (see package.php for documentation of the DDMS package.). This is the only class in the system that is directly used by the business application that uses the DDMS.


  • Jan van der Breggen



Class Details

[line 15]
Class Description: The overarching class in the Distributed Data Management Client package (see package.php for documentation of the DDMS package.). This is the only class in the system that is directly used by the business application that uses the DDMS.

During its construction the DDMS client's configuration settings are loaded into the class variables. The configuration settings are stored the DDMSs database tables (???) and its config file (??????.ini).


author:  Jan van der Breggen
see:  package.php
since:  : 29/04/2009

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Class Variables

$localDataObjects = array()

[line 19]


access:  private

Type:   mixed

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$urlConnection =

[line 18]


access:  private

Type:   mixed

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Class Methods

constructor __construct [line 22]

ExternalDataServerConnection __construct( )

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method getObject [line 62]

void getObject( $objectName)



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method getObjects [line 110]

array getObjects( array $objectNames)


return:  of type ExternallyLinkedOrm


array   $objectNames   of type string $objectNames, table_name values

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method getReferringObjects [line 120]

void getReferringObjects( $referredTableName)



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method getUrlConnection [line 57]

void getUrlConnection( )

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method refreshLocalData [line 44]

void refreshLocalData( )

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method _orderDataObjects [line 80]

void _orderDataObjects( $dataObjects)

sorts the localDataObjects array to reflect referential integrity.

When data is loaded into linked tables, either at system setup time, or during refresh data event, records with references to local key values of other tables should be loaded after the records they refer to was loaded and local key values what will be the foreign keys were generated pre: none post: the localDataObjects array will be sorted in such a way that for each table Y with references to local_key values in table X, table X will be located at a lower array index than table Y. Tables that are 'select only' will be put at the beginning of the array (even if these tables have references to linked tables with local_key values, they will always have the remote_key value as their foreign key)


access:  private



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Documentation generated on Mon, 18 May 2009 11:21:49 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1