Source for file rvtwoObject.php
Documentation is available at rvtwoObject.php
* <b>Class Description</b>: Parent Class for all other rvtwo system classes. To share data and functionality
* that is relevant throughout the entire application.
* @author Jan van der Breggen
* Converts the contents of a configuration file stored in the filesystem location
* specified by the PATH_CONF constant into an associative array. The lefthand value
* of each line in the config file in this array is the key and the right hand item is the value
* @param string $fileName
* @param optional string $lineDelimiter - character that delimits an entry in the config file
* @param optional string $valueDelimiter - character that separates name and value of an entry in the config file
* @return associative array representing the menu configuration file
$values = explode($valueDelimiter, $line);
$config[trim($values[0])] = trim($values[1]);