* <b>Class Description</b>: The Parent Class for all Controller Classes in the System. It contains methods for shaping data that is provided
* to the controller by a Model object into a format required by the Smarty Template. It also offers functionality for
* importing information contained in system configuration files. See {@link controllersPackage.php} for a description of the rvtwo controllers class hierarchy.
* Converts the contents of a screen menu configuration file stored in the filesystem location specified by the PATH_CONF constant into an associative array.
* The lefthand value of each line in the config file is treated as an key value of the $GLOBALS['lang']
* array. In other words: it is replaced with the corresponding value in the selected
* application language. This method should only be used when no access restrictions or other operations need
* to be done on the screen menu as the resulting array will have the menu item names
* replaced by the label in the system language.
* @param string $fileName
* @param string $lineDelimiter - character that delimits an entry in the config file
* @param string $valueDelimiter - character that separates name and value of an entry in the config file
* @return associative array $config representing the menu configuration file